Blog | d.light Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:17:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Changing Energy Needs and Delivering the Solutions to the Last Mile Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:23:03 +0000 d.light India: Successful In Transforming 100 Million Lives (by d.light India) d.light is a front-runner in providing access to clean and affordable energy to millions of people across 70 countries globally. Founded at Stanford University in 2006, the journey of d.light has been the most remarkable one, touching and transforming over 100 million lives till […]

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d.light India: Successful In Transforming 100 Million Lives

(by d.light India)

d.light is a front-runner in providing access to clean and affordable energy to millions of people across 70 countries globally. Founded at Stanford University in 2006, the journey of d.light has been the most remarkable one, touching and transforming over 100 million lives till 2020.
Currently, we are working on expanding our portfolio with indigenously manufactured products under the ‘Make in India’ initiative to deliver energy-efficient and sustainable energy solutions to millions of households and help reduce the carbon footprint. We have set an ambitious goal of transforming one billion lives globally by 2030 with sustainable products.

d.light journey and impact

Our journey has been an incredible one with many challenges and opportunities. We put in concerted efforts to better the lives of millions of people worldwide by delivering reliable and economical power sources. In 2008, we developed our first product, and since then, we have constantly been expanding our operations and reach across the globe. In March 2010, we hit the milestone of transforming 1 million lives. Besides that, we also introduced our new solar lantern, as we believe in the continuous updating of design and models.
d.light also introduced a new solar study lamp in 2011, and by then, we had transformed 5 million lives with our energy-efficient initiative. The social impact of our products and initiative was recognized by Forbes when our founders were recognized among the World’s Top 30 Social Entrepreneurs in November 2011. Not only the West but the Middle East has also recognized d.light’s efforts towards creating a sustainable future as we won the Zayed Future Energy Prize, the UAE’s global recognition award in sustainability in 2013. d.light has continued its journey in social entrepreneurship through its efforts to universalize access to clean, reliable, and affordable electricity.
In 2015, d.light launched the Pay-Go enabled Solar Home System in Kenya. This was a great leap in terms of launching a full-fledged home system powered by solar energy in a country with a solar surplus. By July 2015, we had successfully transformed the lives of 50 million people with the help of our products. In 2016, d.light TV won the Global LEAP Award for outstanding Off-grid television. We had been instrumental in providing sustainable mass communication systems, thus broadening our global impact.
2020 was a difficult year for all businesses, but d.light has continued to grow. We’ve kept true to our mission and have won the Gold Prize in Edison Awards 2020 for our A2 Solar Lanterns. In the same year, d.light was globally recognized for transforming a staggering 100 million lives through its sustainable products at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The solar energy solutions and sustainable products offered by d.light have led to the empowerment of over 107 million people. It has also contributed towards a Clean Environment by offsetting 24 million tons of CO2. This has led to huge savings to the tune of $4.3 billion in energy-related expenses. One of the most crucial social impacts of the Solar lanterns produced by d.light has been that they have reached 28 million school-aged children, thus brightening their future. 23 billion productive hours have been created through the efforts d.light has made in the sustainability domain.
Now, we are ushering into the next phase of development whereby we have changed our mission statement from “Making Lives Brighter” to “Transforming lives with Sustainable Products”. In keeping with our mission, we have set an ambitious goal to transform the lives of over 1 billion people by 2030. India has been an important market for us because of its large consumer base as well as the focus on sustainability that has been a part of its culture as well as government initiatives (UJALA programme, etc.). d.light has been able to transform the lives of over 42 million people in India through its sustainable product offerings.

Insights into India’s changing energy landscape
d.light’s webinar in March 2021, Changing Energy Needs and Delivering the Solutions to the Last Mile, brought together leaders of various clean energy space companies operating in the clean energy space, microfinance institutions, and NBFCs to discuss energy access and solutions required in a post-Saubhagya-scheme India and the challenges associated with delivering solutions to the last mile.
The webinar was graced by stellar panelists including, Mr. Ned Tozun, CEO d.light, Ms. Anjali Garg, Energy Specialist, International Finance Corporation, Mr. Piyush Mathur, Non-Executive Director, CLEAN, Ms. Aditi Singh, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, Satin Creditcare Network Limited, Mr. Shalabh Saxena, MD and CEO, Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited, Mr. Sadaf Sayeed, CEO, Muthoot Microfin Ltd, Mr. Manoj Nambiar, MD, Arohan Finance Services Limited, Mr. Gaurav Mehta, CEO, Dharma Life Foundation, Mr. Pradeep Singhal, MD PENNCO Enterprises, and Mr. Pravin Kumar, India Co-ordinator, GOGLA. The discussion gravitated upon the changing energy landscape in India and the role that the MFIs, product Companies (d.light), and supply-chain networks can play in fulfilling the energy needs at the grass-root level.
The webinar and perspective of our esteemed speakers have brought one conclusion for d.light’s future business plans: Indian customers are ready to use sustainable clean energy products in their homes, in their agricultural fields, and in commercial shops. d.light is also a front runner in solar inverter expansion in India to cater to its rising energy demand. As d.light continues on its growth trajectory, we strive to forge collaborative partnerships with the various delivery services, agencies, and companies to expand our reach and serve more people.

Our vision ahead
d.light has made great strides in transforming the lives of millions of people worldwide in the past decade. We continue to set ambitious goals, raising the bar regularly, to transform a billion lives in the next decade. For this, d.light strives to be inclusive in providing solar energy products to a wide customer base in the hinterlands as well as the urban areas. With a human-centric approach to product design and development, we strive to cater to the needs of the consumers in a sustainable way.

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The Global Energy Shift and the Role of Solar Energy Mon, 16 Dec 2019 07:51:44 +0000 Let’s all accept the harsh truths of the world. Fossil fuels are running dry, greenhouse gases are increasing every day and the world isn’t getting any cleaner. While the Greta Thunbergs of the world have drawn considerable attention towards an epidemic that needs immediate attention, it’s time we consider the part we can play. And […]

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Let’s all accept the harsh truths of the world. Fossil fuels are running dry, greenhouse gases are increasing every day and the world isn’t getting any cleaner. While the Greta Thunbergs of the world have drawn considerable attention towards an epidemic that needs immediate attention, it’s time we consider the part we can play. And while the acceptance of these truths bring an air of hopelessness, there are still many things that can be done to reverse these devastating effects.

Caption: Glaciers around the world have been retreating at unprecedented rates since the early twentieth century.

In the 1980’s it was discovered that the ozone layer which protects us from the ultraviolet light, has many gaping holes in it. But in April it was reported that the earth’s protective shield has finally begun to repair itself.

While this isn’t necessarily related to the use of energy and its effects, it is a testament to what can be done when we unite towards saving the planet. As is now seen by the Montreal agreement of 1990, to reduce the CFC emissions throughout the world.

Caption: The ozone layer is showing signs of continuing recovery from man-made damage and is likely to heal fully by 2060

This takes us to the use of energy, in this context fossil fuels, and its impact on the climate.

Decades of fossil fuel use has led to the destabilization of the climate and the environment, and our energy consumption is a major stakeholder in this disruption. Fossil fuels produce over 80 percent of the world’s total energy, of which 65 percent is combusted in order to produce power which as a result releases massive emissions of carbon dioxide gas.

In light of these events, nations and organizations have finally begun to realize these effects and have already, or if not are beginning to make a transition towards cleaner and renewable energy.

In April it was reported that renewable energy resources supplied more of America’s electricity than coal for the first time ever. Solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams generated almost 68.5 million megawatt-hours of power in April, eclipsing the 60 million megawatts that coal produced that month. That’s the cleanest power the U.S. has ever made and the least coal it has burned for power in years.

The identification of the current energy state as a huge opportunity for innovation has played a key and interesting role in many organizations providing renewable energy solutions.

For instance, Heliogen, an energy startup backed by Bill Gates, is in the midst of creating and launching a carbon-free solar oven that can be used to produce the extreme heat required to make cement, steel, glass and other industrial processes. Cement production, the world’s leading construction material — is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 7 – 8 percent of all such releases. If cement production were a country, it would be the world’s third-largest emitter.

Innovative solutions like this can supply greatly towards the total global energy demand and contribute towards reducing the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions.

This is the kind of transition the world needs, innovative renewable energy solutions, be it solar-based or any other form of renewable energy. But as the world transitions, it is increasingly clear that Solar energy has a key role to play in the times ahead.

A necessary transition

Germany has been at the forefront of this transition for the past few decades. The country generates around 7 percent of its total electricity from solar energy, and in the summer of 2019, this number rose to 15 to 20 percent.

Additionally, over a million families and small businesses in Germany have rooftop solar installations; with 120,000 families recently opting to install solar home systems with integrated batteries that give them more independence from the grid.

Caption: Solar power is the most abundant energy source on Earth. There is enough solar energy hitting the Earth every hour to meet all of humanity’s power needs for an entire year.

But while the developed nations are making dramatic changes in their energy usage from fossil fuels to Solar energy, many developing countries remain unable to make this transition. These are the countries struck with energy poverty. Being bereft of energy production infrastructure, they are yet to contribute significantly towards global emissions. Unfortunately, the fact is that 90% of energy demand is set to come from these countries, as a majority of the world’s population resides there.

But there is a silver lining, as many of these developing nations are not waiting for Honduras for instance, will meet 14 percent of its electricity demand this year with solar. With continual improvements in its performance and accessibility, especially in the developing world, solar power is proving to be a viable planet-scale change.

Acting as a catalyst for change

To ensure that this change occurs faster, companies like d.light have gone to great lengths to provide communities in developing nations with solar energy.

By creating off-grid solar appliances that bypass the central electricity supply entirely, d.light has been able to provide solutions for lighting, radio, refrigeration, and even television.

As of today, d.light’s reach has extended to nearly 100 million people across 70 countries. Over 22 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide has been offset as a result of this. But what is possibly more important here to the people of these countries is not having to spend any money on kerosene lighting, leading to a combined saving of over 4 billion US dollars.

d.light began with the goal of providing completely sustainable electricity to 100 million people, and as we draw closer to this dream, it is but a fraction of the impact that can be created by providing simple yet essential off-grid solar products to the developing world. The people of these nations can use d.light products in their homes and in their outdoor needs to offset the carbon sitting right at home, giving them an opportunity to make their own contribution towards fighting climate change.


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3 Solar Appliances Readily Available Today Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:53:20 +0000 Solar energy is obtained through the sun’s radiation. It is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity. Our sun is a reliable energy source, and this energy source can be harnessed by setting up your home or office with solar energy. So much so that just one hours’ worth of energy from the sun […]

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Solar energy is obtained through the sun’s radiation. It is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity. Our sun is a reliable energy source, and this energy source can be harnessed by setting up your home or office with solar energy.

So much so that just one hours’ worth of energy from the sun can meet the energy needs of humanity for a whole year – the catch? We can only harness 0.001 percent of that energy.

There were questions around the cost of solar power and whether it was sustainable in the past, but because the tools for harnessing solar energy have become increasingly available and affordable, the trend is gaining momentum.

So, before we get into the top three solar appliances readily available today, let’s look at some of the standout benefits of solar power.

It has a positive impact on the environment

As you would probably know by now, solar power is a 100% green source of energy. So, by using it, you will be reducing your carbon footprint. The only resource solar power needs to function is water. If you are looking for ways to have a positive impact on global warming, solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse gasses.

Whether you install solar panels on your roof, or simply start using solar appliances, you will be playing your part in trying to establish a sustainable future.

It costs much less

As we mentioned above, our sun is an unlimited source of energy. We could never even begin to utilize it all.

You will immediately start saving money once you begin using solar appliances. If you switch to solar power, you can choose between a grid-tied or an off-grid solar system. Grid-tied means you can rely on the power grid along with the rest of your town or city, whereas off-grid means you’re entirely independent.

Being off-grid means, you rely on batteries to store electricity generated by solar panels. It also means reduced electricity costs, easier installation and no power outages.

Solar energy can be used all day long

Arguably the best part – solar power is generated from daylight, not sunlight. So as long as we have night and day, you will have a sustainable source of energy. Even if it rains, or when it is a gloomy, cloudy day, power is still generated at the same output levels.

A day of energy production is a whole lot more than your household needs during the evening. So, no need to worry about running out.

At d.light solar, we believe that all people should be able to experience the quality of life that comes with access to stable and affordable clean energy products, no matter their financial situation or the location they live in. Through the solar appliances we’ve developed, we’re doing everything in our power to ensure everyone can.

Here are three solar appliances readily available today:

1. d.light SF40

The d.light SF40 is a rechargeable fan with a 2-speed setting. During summer, you can stay productive and sleep well by using the sun to power this appliance.

It is battery powered and will last up to eight hours when fully charged. It also comes with an LED light giving you hours of brightness, meaning you won’t need a separate powerpoint if you work or study at night.

Purchase the d.light SF40 online today.

2. d.light S500

In the modern age, having a fully charged cellphone is essential. The d.light S500 is a mobile device/solar=powered lantern combination. The angeled lens of the lantern ensures a fully lit room from a single light source.

This product is perfect for using in remote locations because it is robust and will give you up to one hundred hours of power per full charge.

Purchase the d.light S500 online today.

3. d.light X850

One of our most advanced products, the d.light X850 is a solar home system that powers multiple appliances, bright lights, accessories and mobile phones/laptops after just one day of charging.

The bundle is all you need and comes equipped with the following:

  • a super-bright tube light
  • fully customizable lamp brightness
  • linkable bulbs
  • ultra-efficient accessories and appliances such as a 19” HD TV, and an FM radio with MP3 playback
  • a rechargeable torch

Purchase the d.light X850 online today.

Climate change is developing rapidly, and the need to live off-grid more so. What are you waiting for? Start making a difference today. The post 3 Solar Appliances Readily Available Today first appeared on d.light.]]> How to Setup Your Home with Indoor Solar Lights Wed, 09 Oct 2019 11:28:18 +0000 Are you looking for a cheaper, sustainable lighting option for your home? Indoor solar lights are the answer. Specifically, solar home lighting systems. Electricity, just behind gas, is one of the most significant living expenses in America. In the US, the average household electricity bill is $111.67 per month. The good news is that solar […]

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Are you looking for a cheaper, sustainable lighting option for your home? Indoor solar lights are the answer. Specifically, solar home lighting systems.

Electricity, just behind gas, is one of the most significant living expenses in America. In the US, the average household electricity bill is $111.67 per month.

The good news is that solar lights aren’t exclusive to outdoors, and have the following benefits:

1. Indoor solar lights are green

Solar lights are “green”, meaning they are environmentally friendly, and a sustainable alternative to traditional lighting because they use absolutely no power from the grid.

Indoor solar lights are entirely powered by solar energy, a renewable energy option. Solar power charges the battery packs during the day so that they can be adequately powered at night, for up to 8 hours. The best part is that the batteries used are entirely recyclable.

2. Indoor solar lights don’t have to be maintained

Indoor lighting systems are virtually maintenance-free. This is all thanks to the use of LED fixtures becoming more popular with a 10+ year lifespan.

Maintenance on indoor solar lights consists of replacing the batteries every five years or so. So as you can imagine, solar lights are much less of a hassle than regular electrical lighting.

You can now get solar home systems that can run multiple appliances like a 32″ TV, fans, charge mobile phones, and several bright lights for hours after just a single day of charge.

3. Your energy bill will decrease drastically

When you equip your home with solar lights or solar power, you won’t have to worry about paying for energy. The initial fee of purchasing indoor solar lights or systems aren’t even that pricey and are less so when you consider the overall savings you will make in the long run.

Setting up indoor solar lights in your home is super easy with d.light. All of our products can be self-installed, and come with an instruction manual on how to do so – no need to hire a handyman!

The different types of indoor solar lights (solar home lighting systems) from d.light available globally:


The D180 solar home system is a capable solar grid for your home. It is fully supported by d.light’s Pay-as-you-go technology which allows you to pay in installments. This advanced, economical energy solution includes the following:

  • a solar panel
  • a mobile-charging battery pack
  • three solar lights
  • three light switches
  • a torch
  • an FM radio


The X500 is an affordable indoor solar lighting system that can power 12V appliances. These include the d.light 19″ TV, fan, USB-powered accessories, mobile phones and bright lights for up to eight hours after just one day of charging.


The X2000 is perfect for powering larger d.light appliances, including our new 32″ solar LED TV. It is very effective for the following uses:

  • lighting up your house with bright lights
  • watching television or listening to music with our solar-powered radio
  • charging several mobile phones and other small, USB-powered devices
  • using the portable torch indoors and outdoors

If you are looking to light up an area, whether it is inside your home or your camping area, why not try solar lighting? It will save you money, will positively impact the environment, and you will only need to maintain your indoor solar lights or outdoor camping lights once every five years.

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Achieving Argentina’s solar energy vision with d.light Wed, 25 Sep 2019 10:14:20 +0000 Arriving in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, you’re likely first to notice its shaded, cobblestone streets lined with bookstores, cafes and even speakeasies. Explore a bit to experience bustling Microcentro, the financial centre of the city, and you’ll realize why Argentina is considered at the forefront of South America in terms of economic […]

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Arriving in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, you’re likely first to notice its shaded, cobblestone streets lined with bookstores, cafes and even speakeasies. Explore a bit to experience bustling Microcentro, the financial centre of the city, and you’ll realize why Argentina is considered at the forefront of South America in terms of economic development.

Just a short flight or overnight bus from Buenos Aires are top-notch wineries in Mendoza, ski chalets in Patagonia, and a host of cities, like Rosario and Mar de Plata, just as beautiful and culturally rich as the capital city itself. Like many countries in the world, rural development has not kept pace with urban progress.

A portion of the population still lives in darkness once the sun sets, as they lack access to electricity. Children cannot do their homework after dark, all economic activities stop once the sun sets, and people remain uninformed about the outside world without televisions, radios, or the internet.

Remote communities remain unelectrified due to untraversable terrain

However, unlike many other countries, Argentina has pledged to bridge this energy divide, as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To meet SDG 7, Argentina aims to ensure 100% of its population has access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern electricity. The route Argentina has taken to achieve this is unique. In partnership with the World Bank, d.light and a host of local enterprises, Argentina is equipping its last remaining off-grid households with solar home systems and mobile-charging solar lanterns to provide clean, reliable electricity at a fraction of the cost of grid extension.

  • An ambitious solar powered dream

The value of solar home systems, micro-grids and mini grids to reduce the cost of achieving 100% electrification is well documented, not to mention intuitive. Homes that are further away cost more to connect, more energy is lost in transmission, and they tend to use less energy, meaning utilities rarely recoup the costs of connecting these houses. This problem is even more pronounced in countries like Argentina, where the remaining population without energy access is widely dispersed and vast distances through challenging terrain make grid connection almost impossible.

Solar home systems, like those d.light provides, offer a cheaper, plug-and-play solution, where power can be generated where it is consumed, in amounts tightly aligned with power usage. Accordingly, when Argentina’s PERMER (El Proyecto de Energías Renovables en Mercados Rurales) embarked on an aspirational journey to bridge the urban-rural energy divide by providing universal electrification for all Argentinian citizens by 2020, solar home systems formed a critical piece in the puzzle.

  • d.light – transforming lives with green energy

d.light X732 home system with S502 solar lanterns

Through a carefully designed, World Bank-supported public tender, d.light was selected to provide solar home kits to 120,000 households across 13 provinces in rural Argentina, in partnership with PERMER and Solartec, S.A., d.light’s local implementation partner. d.light has since leveraged its decade-long experience of providing off-grid solar solutions across 70 countries to create a new solar home system for PERMER, the X732, which packs a high-efficiency 25W solar panel and a central power unit housing a Lithium Ferro Phosphate (LiFePo4) to provide families with sufficient power to light their homes and charge multiple mobile devices.

d.light tube light provides grid-light bright lighting

Also included are two mobile-charging solar lanterns and a rechargeable radio, which early users report as being critical to helping them with their fieldwork. Beneficiaries of the project can now choose when to start and end their days. Rather than having their lives dictated by the sun, these communities harness it.

Solar energy effectively provides families with a five-hour extension on their day — extra time to socialize, work, or study inside a brightly illuminated home — at no financial cost. Radios and mobile phones, which have become a prerequisite for modern life in recent years, open the doors to better financial management, education and employment opportunities.

Solar lighting helps kids study better

  • A brighter future for Argentina

With the help of d.light’s solar products, Argentina is steadily closing in on its dream of 100% electrification by 2020. Not only are PERMER beneficiaries enjoying light in their households for the first time, but they are also leapfrogging the conventional grid entirely and setting an example for other countries to save costs and the environment at the same time, using the power of the sun to achieve universal, affordable energy access.

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Solar Camping Lights: The Low Down Thu, 19 Sep 2019 05:43:52 +0000 Life moves fast in big cities. Escaping the noise of civilization, the fast pace schedule, overwhelming responsibilities, and spending time outdoors is relaxing. Camping provides that particular time when people can have fun connecting with nature sitting by the campfire and laughing with loved ones under a starry night sky. There are, however, some campsites […]

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Life moves fast in big cities. Escaping the noise of civilization, the fast pace schedule, overwhelming responsibilities, and spending time outdoors is relaxing.

Camping provides that particular time when people can have fun connecting with nature sitting by the campfire and laughing with loved ones under a starry night sky. There are, however, some campsites that do not possess the same electric lights that we are accustomed to at home, which make navigating at night challenging and troublesome. Save yourself the trouble of fumbling in the darkness by including camping lights in your next outdoor adventure.

While there are many choices for in-camp lighting, solar camping lights, such as solar-powered lanterns are one of the best options for lighting your campsite as it provides more visibility being hung from a hook or placed on a flat surface.

There are different types of solar-powered lanterns available in the market that will suit most needs – below are performance factors to consider when comparing lamps.

  • Lumens

Lumens measures a light’s output. The higher the lumens in a lantern or flashlight, the greater it’s intensity or brightness. For lamps, the minimum lumens start around 40 and can run up to 700. Keep in mind that a higher wattage will consume more energy, which means brighter lanterns would have shorter battery life.

Most campsites only need lighting under 100 lumens for people who enjoy doing activities like reading in their tents or for just poking around camp during nighttime. About 200 lumens is sufficient to see around the tent site, and over 300 lumens is excellent for parties or gatherings.

  • Size and Weight

Whether you are hiking to the campsite or driving, weight plays a factor in your excursion. A loaded backpack should consist of 20 percent of your body weight and carrying a lightweight lantern that does not require the use of heavy batteries is a hikers dream! Backpackers generally need smaller and lighter lanterns since they are bringing a variety of equipment.

  • Light Duration

If you’re embarking on a more extended trip that’s off the beaten track, you will want a light that can operate long term. The runtime of one camping lantern varies from one another. Some lamps offer a low and a high setting for greater lighting versatility that can be adjusted to allow you to save energy.

Other products include handy features on a lantern that allows the versatility to hang anywhere. There are even lanterns that can charge other devices like your mobile device, so you always have a fully charged phone in case of an emergency.

While there are many different types of lanterns, solar camping lights are an excellent option for any camping trip as it provides a steady light source without the need to bring spare batteries. No matter how long your camping trip, solar camping lights have benefits that make them stand out.

Here are 5 reasons why you should use solar camping lights when sleeping outdoors:

1. Solar Camping Lights Are Safe

A traditional gas-powered lantern can run on either propane or butane liquid-fuel. Some campers might prepare a conventional way of camping with fuel-lit lanterns for its capability to provide long-lasting and powerful lighting because when the entire campsite needs intense lighting, a gas lantern is almost unbeatable.

However, gas-powered lanterns are not safe in enclosed areas like tents. This type of light needs ample ventilation as it uses burning fuels and generates damaging pollutants into the air triggering health issues.

Solar camping lights like solar-powered LED lanterns only offer adequate light and also maintain the clean air quality around the campsite so you can enjoy activities such as reading in the comforts of your tent.

2. They are Silent

Some people might enjoy the crackling sound of a fire or the white noise sound of gas lanterns, but not all are fond of listening to relatively loud noises. Solar-powered lanterns are one of the available lamps that are quiet so campers can enjoy the sounds of nature around them.

3. They Generate Low heat

Besides the danger of inhaling fumes from traditional gas-powered lanterns, it poses possible harm since gas is combustible. These lanterns produce heat as a byproduct of the light. If it gets knocked over or too close to anything flammable, it can ignite combustible materials which are abundant in camping sites and forests.

Alternatively, it’s safer to use solar camping lights since they do not generate nearly as much heat. They can be used anywhere without worrying about your possessions or surroundings catching on fire! If you’re with children, you don’t have to worry about them getting hurt by touching solar lanterns, either.

4. They are Portable

Camping requires carrying plenty of heavy items which make the trip challenging and wholesome. Bringing along fuel-burning lanterns which are heavy and bulky due to the material add unnecessary weight to your camping backpack.

5. Uses the Sun to Charge

Gas-powered and battery LED lanterns both rely on unsustainable power. While LED lamps are equipped with rechargeable batteries, finding a charging station is complicated and out of reach because replacement fuel for fuel-powered lanterns relies on being within the proximity of a shop that sells such items.

There is no need to worry about bringing additional fuel or batteries since solar camping lights charge under the sun and they are more convenient than hand-cranked light sources.

Some might be discouraged by solar lanterns since they rely on the sun to charge, and not all camping trips will be sunny. Luckily, some lanterns can charge even on cloudy days.

We at d.light are dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable and accessible solar lighting and power systems. Visit our website today to learn more.

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Eco-Friendly Products to Reduce Environmental Impact Mon, 20 May 2019 10:42:56 +0000 Humans are destroying the planet – it’s widely evident on the degrading state of our environment. Our constant use of fossil fuels as a primary energy source as well as the out of control consumption of single-use plastic has contributed to pollution, climate change, and global warming. These actions had led to ever-growing landfills and […]

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Humans are destroying the planet – it’s widely evident on the degrading state of our environment. Our constant use of fossil fuels as a primary energy source as well as the out of control consumption of single-use plastic has contributed to pollution, climate change, and global warming. These actions had led to ever-growing landfills and littering waterways.

But it’s not yet late to take that bold step as there are many simple actions we can do to help save the environment. From spreading awareness to replacing simple items in our everyday lives with environmentally-friendly products, there are many opportunities where we can do our part as a citizen of the earth.

Eco-friendly products can significantly improve the environment by reducing waste, energy, and chemicals. These products won’t be harmful to the environment during production, use, or disposal since they are low in chemicals while high in natural ingredients.

As there are plenty of eco-friendly products in the market, you can start with these eco-friendly products that will help begin in reducing environmental impact.

Reusable Straws 

Most people may think plastic straws are a small detail compared to the bigger problems other pollutants cause. But little as they may, plastic straws have an enormous impact on the environment. In the United States alone, there had already been 500,000 straws that have been used and thrown every day.

As a single-use tool, plastic straws are always thrown away, sometimes with a takeaway paper cup attached. This makes them easy to blow into way into waterways, which are a massive contributor to the harm to the environment and marine life in it.

Fast-food restaurants and even entire cities have pledged to ban plastic straws, but even you have to make a personal commitment to refuse a straw when eating out. Either drink straight from the cup or invest in your own reusable straw as an alternative.

There are plenty of reusable straws that can be purchased in the market, such as bamboo, glass, metal, and silicone.


Disposable shopping bags are used everywhere. An average American goes through six shopping bags per week. Over 1.8 billion bags are used and discarded in America every week. This adds to the pile of single-use plastic bags discarded and end up with the millions in the landfill or the ocean.

More than 10% of plastic bags make up for the washed-up debris that pollutes the U.S. coastline, and it takes a thousand years to degrade.

Paper bags are not any better.  Paper bag production causes 14 million trees to be cut down yearly to supply the raw material needed. It also involves the use of chemicals and high temperatures that releases toxins into the atmosphere at nearly the same rate as it would for plastic bag production. A single paper bag takes 13% more energy to make two plastic bags.

A solution is getting reusable grocery bags, which are usually made out of jute, cotton, or canvas. All of which are clean, safe, and a great alternative to disposable shopping bags. They’re also stronger and wouldn’t break down even if the products are heavy-weight.  Since they’ll be used frequently, getting an eco-bag would not only last longer but also help you save some money in the long run.

Reusable Water Bottles 

Disposable water bottles are indeed convenient. They can be found almost anywhere from stores, supermarkets to gas stations where anyone can buy them whenever a person needs to. However, the cost of convenience comes at a high price.

Globally, humans buy a million plastic bottles per minute, and 91% of these water bottles are not recycled, but wind up in a landfill every year instead. Besides taking up space in landfills and pollute oceans, it takes an incredible amount of resources to produce.

Disposable water bottles aren’t just dangerous for the planet but for the individual as well.  A study by German researchers found nearly 25,000 chemicals in a single bottle of water. These chemicals can interfere with the body’s estrogen and androgen receptors.

While the occasional sip won’t be deadly for a healthy adult, small children women of child-bearing age and pregnant women are at higher risk of poor outcomes to these chemicals. Some of the effects include stunted growth, early puberty, premature birth, infertility, and early menopause.

Reusable water bottles made from stainless steel or glass are a healthier option since they don’t contain these chemicals. They’re also a more convenient and environmentally friendly option. As these bottles can be carried wherever you go and can be refilled when necessary, there wouldn’t need for it to be thrown away.

Solar Power Lanterns 

The use of flashlights varies dramatically depending upon profession and hobbies. Mechanics and home inspectors use flashlights every day as tools for work. Avid hikers and trekkers also use it for their hikes and travels. It also completes the kit for emergency preparations.

Flashlights use batteries that need to be changed every time it runs out of energy. Most people don’t realize the extent of the environmental impacts of single-use batteries. Since batteries are made up of a variety of chemicals, throwing batteries into landfills have ramifications, some of which are incredibly toxic can cause soil and water pollution.

Solar Powered Lanterns uses solar energy for power, so there’s no need to worry about the consequences of using and dumping batteries. It’s a versatile and eco-friendly tool that provides a great alternative to traditional battery-powered lights.

Dlight is dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable, and accessible solar lighting and power systems. Visit our website today to learn more.

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Must Have Gear for Burning Man Mon, 13 May 2019 10:27:38 +0000 Every year, tens of thousands of people around the world would gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert for Burning Man. It’s a weeklong cultural phenomenon where participants would be able to experience the most impressive artwork, learn about self-expression and self-reliance, and meet some truly wonderful people along the way. But as fun as the […]

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Every year, tens of thousands of people around the world would gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert for Burning Man. It’s a weeklong cultural phenomenon where participants would be able to experience the most impressive artwork, learn about self-expression and self-reliance, and meet some truly wonderful people along the way.

But as fun as the festival could be, spending a week in this desert environment can be full of annoyances as well. From daytime temperatures that exceed 100 degrees to blinding dust storms, coming to the Black Rock Desert unprepared would be a terrible mistake.

Here is some of the must-have burning man gear to prepare for the craziness of Burning Man for first-time and veteran burners alike.

Water Bottles

Dehydration is extremely easy to accidentally happen in a hot desert like the Black Rock, where the festival will take place. It’s essential to stay hydrated and drink water frequently. You need more water here than you would in other environments.

The average consumption is one gallon of water for a person per day, so stock up on a few tanks before leaving. A gallon per day might be too much, but you’ll need to drink more if you will be doing strenuous activities such as dancing and biking in desert conditions throughout the day and even night. Make sure to have water with you at all times by bringing a water bottle.

Tent or RV 

Besides the toilets, you won’t encounter any amenities such as hotels or restaurants besides a toilet while you’re in the desert. You’ll need to find another place to sleep while participating in Burning Man.

An RV is usually the ideal, especially if you’re attending with a big group. It can be too hot during the day, and your RV has a generator and air-conditioning which can make life easier and more comfortable for you and your friends. It also helps avoid getting sandblasted in a desert windstorm.

Unfortunately, RVs are ridiculously expensive during this week since rental places know about Burning Man. You can either insist on bringing an RV and split the cost between friends or be like most festival goers and just bring a tent. Bring at least an extra tent where you can store all of your stuff as anything left outside will be covered in dust within minutes.

Shade Structure

The afternoons in the desert can get sunny and extremely warm, that’s why it’s important to bring a sunshade or some sort of canopy. A shade structure is as much of a necessity as water. This would be able to keep your site cool while you and your group hang out in between events, eat your meals, and camp out for the festival.

Hat or Umbrella

People at Burning Man should expect a lot of walking or biking around.  If you venture out in the hottest part of the day, staying out of the sun as much as possible is vital to prevent collapsing from the heat. Wear a hat or carry around an umbrella to provide personal shade and keep the sun off.


The desert is known to be extremely hot, so it’s natural to assume to bring light clothing to keep you cool. However, the nights can get extremely cold. The temperature can quickly plummet to 50 or 40 degrees Fahrenheit at the coldest point at night, so if you’re venturing away from camp at night, it’s a good idea to bring a jacket with you.


First-time Burners often make the mistake of underestimating the environment in the Black Rock Desert, but everyone who goes to Burning Man knows how extreme it can be. They might experience at least one major dust storm that blows dust consistently in their faces for hours.

It’s crucial to bring goggles to Burning Man. Getting sand in your eyes from a desert dust storm is worse than an eyelash or a speck of dirt getting into the eye. You will need goggles to protect your eyes and see, especially in case of a dust storm. Dust storms can happen even if the weather appears pleasant, so never leave camp without them.

A Scarf or Dust Mask

Dust and sand should be kept out of your lungs as much as it should be kept out of your eyes. At best, after inhaling dust, you’ll only have to deal with a scratchy throat and lose your voice for by the end and a few days after the festival, which is not a fun experience for anyone. At worst, you might have “playa lung”.

“Playa lung” is an unofficial term for the condition acquired at Burning Man after the inhaled dust settles into the lungs, sets up camp, and never leave. It makes your lungs hurt and cough out a bunch of gunk for months after the event.

Most people avoid inhalation of dust with a dust mask, but a scarf will do as well. Plenty of dust masks on the market have professional filtering that can keep dust and pollutants from reaching your lungs, but many prefer a scarf due to its versatility.

Besides being a makeshift dust mask, scarves can be used to cover heads from the sun, cool down by wetting it down, or as a ground or seat cover.


Burners need a way to get around the Black Rock Desert, and a car is not an option. A bicycle is the most popular mode transportation on the playa and high-priority item to bring to Burning Man.

Burning Man covers nearly 7 square miles of land. A bicycle helps for the overall enjoyment and experience as it would save time and prevent leg cramps for those who want to check out as much stuff as they want and get deep out in the playa.

Many would bring their own bikes, but you can also buy or rent one. Before entering Burning Man, you’ll find several bikes shops selling and renting bikes. Some stands would sell used bikes while others only sell new ones. Some offer rentals, repair services or storage. Some would even accept donations after the event.

Don’t forget bringing along a bike lock if you don’t want to lose your bike. It’s common for bikes to get stolen, borrowed or lost. A bike lock would lessen the possibility of losing your bike and having to walk back to your camp from a mile away. As an added precaution, put some tag information detailing your name and playa address.


The Playa could get dark once the sun goes down. Since it’s a desert, there are no streetlights like you’d find in a city. Don’t make the mistake of showing up without lights. There are plenty of vehicles driving around, even if they’re driving slowly, anyone without any lights can get easily hit.

In Burning Man, lights aren’t just meant to keep yourself visible or the obvious reason of helping you find your way in the dark. Many would often use their light source to set the mood at their group site. Lanterns are typically used to distinguish a group space from hundreds at the festival.

Lanterns are also a more practical solution, especially if they’re solar powered. Solar lanterns are a perfect item to bring in a place without electricity since it doesn’t need batteries or to be plugged in. It can simply be left out in the sun to charge up and be used all night long.

D.light is dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable and accessible solar lighting and power systems. Visit our website today to learn more.

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Reducing Energy Poverty [Infographic] Mon, 06 May 2019 11:16:04 +0000 2.3 billion people around the world still lack access to reliable electricity or live off the grid completely.  What’s more unfortunate is that over half of this population spend about $27 billion yearly on mobile phone charging and lighting with kerosene, candles, flashlights, or other fossil fuel-powered sources. The Dangers of Using Kerosene as a […]

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2.3 billion people around the world still lack access to reliable electricity or live off the grid completely.  What’s more unfortunate is that over half of this population spend about $27 billion yearly on mobile phone charging and lighting with kerosene, candles, flashlights, or other fossil fuel-powered sources.

The Dangers of Using Kerosene as a Source of Light

Kerosene is the most common fossil fuel used for lighting in most countries where electrical distribution is either not available, or too costly for widespread use. Kerosene as fuel for lighting is inefficient, dangerous, and expensive as well. It also has some severe health and environmental drawbacks.


  • Breathing kerosene fumes is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.


The light from kerosene lamps is dull and flickers, which force people to sit closer to the fire to prevent eye strain when reading after dark. However, this also increases exposure to noxious fumes and the risk of developing health problems.

Breathing in kerosene fumes is similar to smoking two packets of cigarettes a day. Spending more extended time with kerosene lamps can cause enough damage to impair lung function, lead to tuberculosis, asthma, or even lung cancer.

Very young children are particularly vulnerable to health problems caused by burning fuels indoors as they’re the ones who have to sit very close to the kerosene lamp to see well as they study at night.


  • Structural fires and severe burns are common


Kerosene poses a danger since lamps are easily knocked over and are to become hazardous. The kerosene can become even more explosive if it’s accidentally mixed with other materials such as gasoline.

Fires can spread quickly in dry conditions and homes that are built with wood. Accidental fires had burnt down houses, schools, and establishments, caused severe burns, as well as resulting in fatalities 13 percent of the time.

  • Kerosene fuel costs 40 times what the average American pays for energy.

Households without electricity consume much higher amounts of fuel than those with it, which means that they spend lots of their income on kerosene and less money on other important matters, making it a significant hindrance to the economic advancement of an individual as well as their community.

Households would often have to limit their use of kerosene so they cannot use kerosene as a light source whenever they need it.

The Link of Energy and Reducing Poverty

While most people understand the importance of energy, not everyone thinks about how it is related to every other critical sustainable challenge in the world from poverty reduction to education, health, employment, and a few others.

Studies from India set out to show any electrification ranging from solar lighting to microgrids has a positive impact on economic development so far.


  • Increase Incomes


As kerosene lights are unreliable lights that can’t brighten up the room much, it can make even the simplest activities challenging. In contrast, off-grid light sources make work tasks a lot easier and safer too.

Access to reliable energy increased productive hours by helping people continue working even after the sun has set. Shops and businesses can open longer. In turn, this increased income for workers by 38%. The additional income helps many families out of poverty and have a better quality of life.


  • Literacy Rates


Education is a fundamental necessity for human beings. It empowers people to create a future and offers a higher probability of success. For an individual, knowledge can help in their social interaction and development.

Literacy is the foundation of education. It is the prerequisite to acquire the necessary skills needed to cope with the challenges any individual would face throughout their lives. Individuals who fail to become literate would find themselves limit life chances and hinders on their participation in much of the world around them.

Besides the sparse school education, the reason for illiteracy is the lack of access to energy. The lack of electricity limits the quality and quantity of children’s education. Kerosene lamps and firewood can produce poor lighting, which doesn’t only affect motivation but create health problems such as eye and lung problems as well.

By having accessible in lighting with sustainable energy supply such as solar power enables children to study in the comfort of modern light, without parents having to worry about any repercussions in their children’s health. With a reliable light source, a community can increase its literacy rates by 74%.

Dlight is dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable, and accessible solar lighting and power systems. Visit our website today at to learn more.


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Best Gift for Campers Tue, 23 Apr 2019 05:57:58 +0000 Choosing gifts for outdoorsy people can be tricky. Campers love receiving new gear for their next excursion which makes it challenging to pick the perfect gift. These gifts will surely satisfy campers who are searching for items that are highly useful while staying in the wilderness. Multi-Purpose Tool Multi-Purpose Tools is a useful gift for […]

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Choosing gifts for outdoorsy people can be tricky. Campers love receiving new gear for their next excursion which makes it challenging to pick the perfect gift.

These gifts will surely satisfy campers who are searching for items that are highly useful while staying in the wilderness.

Multi-Purpose Tool

Multi-Purpose Tools is a useful gift for camping. Besides the knife, these gadgets also contain other attachments such as scissors, corkscrew, bottle openers, miniature wood saw, a screwdriver, and other accessories. This tool can be used while camping or hiking whether it’s for preparing food, hunting tasks, or fixing minor tasks. The right tool can even save a life in an emergency.

Water Filter Bottle

Water is an everyday necessity, but it’s especially important to stay hydrated whenever you’re doing a physical activity like hiking or camping.

While it’s likely water is good to drink if sourced from the campsite, you may not always want to take the risk. Untreated raw water may contain pathogens that can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Every camper should hit the road with a water filter bottle. This type of water bottle is lighter than buying and carrying individual bottles of water. Additionally, it would ensure one can get safe and drinkable water in desperate situations.

The last thing campers need is being debilitated by stomach pain and other illnesses while being outdoors.

Portable Stove and Cookware

Preparing and cooking meals is an underrated aspect of roughing it in the wild. While it’s essential to bring food, most campers often bring limited rations to conserve weight while trekking into the woods in search of the campsite.

A tiny portable stove with the essential cookware ensures one can easily prepare a hot meal when the situation calls for it. It’s also safer as it reduces the chances of a wildfire starting anywhere near the camp.

Durable Camping Backpack

Choosing the best camping backpacks is a gift that will last for years.

A backpack is an essential piece of gear that will make a trek enjoyable or unnecessarily challenging because equipment worn for hours must maintain its durability and fit. Whether it’s an hour hike or an overnight camping excursion, a good bag can lead to many successful adventures.

Portable Camping Shower

People tend to put off proper cleaning when camping in the woods. While it’s fun to rough it out and enjoy the sunshine and campfires after dark, many would start longing for a shower after two to three days.

Portable camping showers are a fantastic accessory with a wide array of models available in the market. Camp showers have multiple purposes that serve as washing dishes, gear and gear.

Camping and Hiking GPS Systems

Wandering around while surrounded by nature can be a refreshing experience, but when done carelessly, it can be terrifying and dangerous as well. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get off a beaten path and walk into a part of the wilderness beyond the map to unforeseen hazards.

A smartphone with GPS navigation is enough for most people, but a GPS handheld unit that relies on additional sources above Wi-Fi may suit those who are adventuring off-grid. They’re also more durable and have a better battery life than most mobile phones.

If you’re worried about your outdoor enthusiast friend getting lost in the wilderness, giving them a GPS lowers the possibility of getting lost.

Solar Power Lanterns

The distance from the stress of civilization is why camping is fun and enjoyable. However, it also means being away from basic technology including electricity and lights.

The great outdoors is serene at night, but a good light source is essential. It ensures the safety of the campers as they wouldn’t need to stumble around in the dark.

If you’re planning to give a tool to an outdoor loving friend, a solar lantern is an excellent gift instead of flashlights or spotlights. This handy tool only requires direct sunlight and very light maintenance to last for years. Some more advanced solar lanterns even have added features where they can be used to charge phones.

d.light is dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable and accessible solar lighting and power systems. Contact us today to learn more.

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